
 Togkiggeferie England, maj 2009
Railfanning UK May 2009

I starten af maj 2009 rejste jeg til England med Markolf Gudjons på en miniferie. Vi startede med et par dage ved The Settle & Carlisle Line, og kørte derefter til Barnetby (ved østkysten). 

Nedenfor er turen præsenteret dag for dag gennem et udvalg af mine fotos. Klik på billederne og tag med!

In May 2009 I traveled with Markolf Gudjons to England for a 4 days quick vacation. We started out with a few days at the Settle & Carlisle line, then moved over to Barnetby near the east coast.

Below the trip story is told through a selection of my photos, day by day. Click on the photos and join the trip!

Søndag d. 3/5:
Settle Junction, Blea Moor
Sunday, May 3:
Settle Junction, Blea Moor
Mandag d. 4/5:
Blea Moor, Garsdale, Kirkby Stephen
Monday, May 4:
Blea Moor, Garsdale, Kirkby Stephen
Tirsdag d. 5/5:
Garsdale, Settle Junction, Barnetby
Tuesday May 5:
Garsdale, Settle Junction, Barnetby
Onsdag d. 6/5:
Barnetby, Melton Ross, Brocklesby Junction
Wednesday May 6:
Barnetby, Melton Ross, Brocklesby Junction
Torsdag d. 7/5:
Thursday, May 7: